Hello, World!

What‘s behind the IOTA Foundation and the Tangle? What‘s the Community‘s contribution? What can the technology do?


You are holding the first issue of the einfachIOTA Magazine in your hands. Thank you! We now explain IOTA in a simple way - both on paper and on the internet. Together with numerous supporters from the IOTA Ecosystem and the IOTA Foundation, we were able to bring this magazine into being in no time. We would like to say hello, world and invite you to join us on a journey through the IOTA universe. This issue is special to us in two ways: it is our debut magazine and the 2019 annual edition at the same time. As for our debut, we are placing special emphasis on presenting the IOTA Foundation and the Tangle in detail and introducing the basics in a newcomer-friendly way. IOTA is especially characterized by its strong values, which we explain in the Focus section. In the following section, we introduce the einfachIOTA team and our mission.

As for the 2019 annual edition, we would like to present the people, projects and events that meant the most to us this year. In the Retrospective section, we illustrate the developments and key events of the last few years with a roadmap. You can find the latest news about the IOTA Foundation in the News section. The People section is all about the people behind our projects. Under the heading 5x5, we have asked five people from our Ecosystem five questions each. For our spotlight A Day in the Life of... we have interviewed IOTA co-founder Dominik Schiener. The Events section deals with past and future events. We report on the most important IOTA meetups of the year 2019 and present the events you shouldn‘t miss in 2020. Within our Project of the Week report series on our website, we have already presented many projects. You can find all of them in the Projects section, where we also put the spotlight on the Project of the Year selected by the Community. In the Explanation Corner, things get a little more techy. We give you an introduction into the technical basics of things like the Coordicide, masked authenticated messaging and proof of work. For the tinkerers among you, the Tinkering Corner focuses on several hardware projects, for example a guide to making your own cost-efficient hardware wallet. Last but not least, we have some guest contributions for you.

We are incredibly proud of our team, our many helpers from the IOTA Community and every single one of you who have pre-ordered this magazine. Without you, this magazine would not be here. Thank you so much! We are always available for feedback and questions on our Discord server. We hope to have raised your interest in knowing more. Have fun reading on!

Sebastian Heußer Editor in Chief, einfachIOTA

Sven Reiser Creative Director, einfachIOTA