What‘s New?

The most important news from the IOTA Foundation.


October 23, 2019

On the Way to Open Collaboration

FIWARE is an open-source initiative that defines universal standards for context data management and facilitates the development of intelligent solutions in various sectors such as smart cities, smart industry, smart agrifood and smart energy. The IOTA Foundation has announced that it will collaborate with the FIWARE Foundation more closely in the future in order to reach their common goals more quickly.

September 23, 2019

IOTA and Linux Foundation Collaborating on LF EDGE

The LF edge framework has been recognized as the leading open- source stack for IoT, edge and cloud interoperability. However, a key element of this jigsaw puzzle is missing: DLT. Through the official collaboration between IOTA and the Linux Foundation, this missing piece is to be added. The Linux Foundation has the lead role in the open source community, advancing the kernel for the Linux operation system, among other things.

October 28, 2019 Partnership between IOTA, Dell Technologies and Linux Foundation The IOTA Foundation announces its new official collaboration with the Linux Foundation and Dell Technologies on a project by the codename Alvarium. The Alvarium project is a milestone in open- source development regarding distributed technologies, digital trust, data security and trust in data.

July 23, 2019

Collaboration with STMicroelectronics

The IOTA Foundation is now collaborating with STMicroelectronics, a globally leading manufacturer of semiconductors, to create a new level of access to the Internet of Things (IoT). This partnership was entered after STMicroelectronics had developed an IOTA implementation for their STM32 microcontroller on their own. This development with the name of X-CUBE-IOTA1 became a cornerstone of the collaboration.

October 1, 2019

Partnership Between IOTA and Zühlke

IOTA announces its partnership with Zühlke. It is their joint goal to investigate new models for production, machine-to-machine communication and real-time payments. The Zühlke Group is a service provider for innovative projects that provides its business clients with products, services and new business models. The group has already realized more than 10,000 software and product development projects with success.

September 19, 2019

The First Decentralized Industry Marketplace

After the data and telecommunication marketplace, the IOTA Foundation has now also presented a cost-free, open and decentralized marketplace for the industry. This marketplace serves as a demonstration case and will be developed further with partners from the industry. The Industry Marketplace will function as a producer and sector-neutral platform that automatizes trading with physical and digital goods and services.